Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment

1. What is tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment?

Periodontal disease Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support the teeth and surround the teeth. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. In recent years, tissue regeneration has emerged as a promising treatment for periodontal disease.

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment is a procedure that aims to regenerate lost periodontal structures, including the gum tissue, periodontal ligament, and bone that supports the teeth. The goal of this procedure is to restore the natural form and function of the teeth and gums.

2. When is tissue regeneration needed in periodontal treatment?

Tissue regeneration is used for people with periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, often grouped under the umbrella of gum disease, is an infection of the structures surrounding the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. In the earliest stage of periodontal disease – gingivitis – the gums are swollen and bleed easily. In more severe forms of the disease, all tissues, including the gums, ligaments, and supporting bone, are involved.

When periodontal disease progresses to the point where the bone supporting the teeth is affected, the condition is called periodontitis. This is when regenerative dentistry procedures are needed. In periodontitis, the gums separate from the bone, creating an infected space or pocket. The body’s immune system is activated to fight the bacteria, causing plaque to spread and grow below the gum line. This can cause bone loss and the connective tissue that holds the teeth in place to deteriorate. If left untreated, the bone, gums, and connective tissue that support the teeth are destroyed, and tooth loss can result.

3. Who might be a candidate for tissue regeneration procedures?

People with advanced periodontal disease – characterized by significant bone loss and deep periodontal pockets – are candidates for tissue regeneration. Other conditions, such as gum recession, after tooth extraction or for cosmetic reasons, may also benefit from tissue regeneration.

3.1. Progressive periodontal disease. When periodontal disease has progressed to the point where significant bone loss has occurred, tissue regeneration may be an appropriate treatment option. This procedure can help regenerate lost bone and periodontal structures to save teeth.

3.2. Deep periodontal pockets. Patients with deep periodontal pockets, often caused by advanced periodontal disease, may also be candidates for this procedure. These pockets are essentially spaces between the teeth and gums that, as they deepen, become more prone to harboring bacteria, making the disease worse. Tissue regeneration reduces the depth of the pockets, making the area easier to clean and maintain.

3.3. Severe gingival recession. Patients with severe gum recession, meaning the gum tissue has pulled away from the tooth, exposing the tooth root, may also be candidates for tissue resurfacing. By grafting new tissue, the dentist can cover the exposed tooth root, protecting it from decay and reducing tooth sensitivity.

3.4. Aesthetics. In some cases, patients may choose tissue regeneration for cosmetic reasons. For example, to correct a 'long-toothed' smile caused by gum recession.

3.5. After tooth extraction. In some cases, after tooth extraction, especially if the tooth is affected by periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend a tissue regeneration procedure to minimize the risk of further bone loss.

It is important to note that while tissue regeneration can be beneficial in many cases, it is not suitable for everyone. The success of the procedure depends on the patient's overall health, oral hygiene, the severity of your periodontal disease, as well as the dentist's in-depth diagnostic skills and treatment level. Therefore, you should visit and discuss thoroughly with the experts at Sakura Dental Clinic before considering this treatment method.

4. How does tissue regeneration take place in periodontal treatment?

In this procedure, graft material is used to stimulate the body's natural ability to regenerate tissue structures. These graft materials can be obtained from a variety of sources, including human tissue, animal tissue, synthetic materials, or a combination of these sources. The following is a brief description of the tissue regeneration process.

4.1. Preoperative stage

Prior to the procedure, a thorough diagnosis and treatment planning will be performed. This includes a comprehensive oral examination, x-rays, and periodontal charting. The patient’s medical history will also be reviewed to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the surgery.

4.2. Surgical phase

The procedure begins with local anesthesia. The dentist then carefully opens the gum tissue to expose the defect. The graft material is then placed into the defect. These materials (“grafts,” “grafts”) act as a scaffold for new bone and tissue to grow.

4.3. Post-operative stage

Once the graft is placed, the gum tissue will be sutured into place. A protective dressing may be placed over the surgical site to protect and aid in healing. Post-operative instructions will be provided by your surgeon and follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process.

Over time, the body will use the graft material as a foundation to regenerate previously lost bone and tissue, restoring healthy bone and tissue structure around the tooth.

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment

5. Is tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment painful? And what is the success rate?

The success of tissue regeneration procedures depends largely on the patient’s overall health, the extent of periodontal disease, the type of graft material used, and the patient’s adherence to post-operative care instructions. Overall, studies have shown promising results with high success rates. However, typically the regeneration process is quite slow and can take several months to complete.

Most patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure due to local anesthesia. There may be some swelling or minor bleeding after surgery, but this can be controlled with prescription medications and proper oral care.

6. Are there any risks associated with tissue regeneration procedures?

Tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment involves using implants to stimulate the growth of new, healthy tissue in damaged areas of the gums. While the effectiveness of this technique has been recognized, you should understand that it also comes with some risks.

6.1. Infection

One of the most significant risks associated with tissue reconstruction procedures is the possibility of infection. Despite the strict sterilization procedures followed throughout the procedure, there is still a chance that bacteria will contaminate the surgical site. Infection can lead to swelling, pain, and delayed healing.

6.2. Refuse to match

The human body is a complex system designed to protect itself from foreign objects. Therefore, there is always a risk that the body will recognize the graft as foreign and initiate an immune response against it, leading to graft rejection.

6.3. Bleeding and swelling

As with any surgical procedure, periodontal tissue regeneration may cause bleeding and swelling in the area where the procedure was performed. In most cases, these are temporary post-operative conditions that will subside within a few days. However, if these symptoms persist, it may be a sign of a more serious problem such as an adverse reaction to the graft material.

6.4. Nerve damage

In rare cases, the procedure can accidentally damage nerves in the mouth, causing numbness or tingling in the teeth, gums, or lips. This is usually temporary, but in rare cases it can be permanent.

6.5. Failure of the procedure

There is always a risk that the graft may not be accepted and the procedure may not produce the desired tissue regeneration results. This can be due to a number of factors, including the client’s overall health, oral hygiene, severity of periodontal disease, and the type and quality of grafting material used.

6.6. Allergic reactions

Some patients may be allergic to the materials used, which can lead to discomfort, infection, and even graft rejection.

The risks associated with periodontal regenerative procedures highlight the importance of thorough preoperative evaluation and post-operative care. Patients should therefore discuss their medical history, including any allergies, with their periodontist prior to the procedure. Furthermore, following post-operative instructions will significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Despite these potential risks, tissue regeneration remains a scientifically proven treatment option for periodontal disease. The benefits of this procedure – improving oral health and preventing tooth loss – generally outweigh the potential risks. However, each patient is different and the decision to proceed with any treatment should always be made in consultation with a well-trained and experienced dentist.

7. What are the long-term effects of tissue regeneration procedures in periodontal treatment?

The field of regenerative medicine has made great strides over the years, including improvements in tissue regeneration procedures. Understanding the long-term effects of tissue regeneration procedures in periodontal treatment is essential to help you make an informed decision.

7.1. Improved bone support

One of the significant long-term benefits of tissue regeneration is improved bone support for the teeth. Periodontal disease often leads to bone loss, which can lead to loosening or even tooth loss. With tissue regeneration in periodontal treatment, new bone cells can grow, providing better support for the teeth and preventing tooth loss.

7.2. Strengthen gum health

Damaged gum tissue is replaced with healthy tissue through this procedure, improving gum health. Over time, you will notice a reduction in the common symptoms of periodontal disease, such as bleeding, swelling, and tooth sensitivity.

7.3. Dental rehabilitation and aesthetics

In the long term, tissue regeneration procedures will help restore the function of your mouth and the aesthetic appearance of your gum line. This will significantly improve the function and aesthetics of your teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, smile with more confidence and thus improve your quality of life.

7.4. Prevent other serious health problems

Perhaps one of the most notable long-term effects of regenerative dentistry is its ability to stop the progression of periodontal disease. This is important because untreated periodontal disease can lead to other serious health problems, including heart disease and diabetes.

7.5. Increase tooth longevity

The success of periodontal regenerative dentistry will ultimately increase the longevity of your teeth. By correcting the underlying problems that contribute to gum disease and tooth loss, this procedure will help ensure the long-term survival of your natural teeth.

It is important to note that although periodontal tissue regeneration procedures have many long-term benefits as mentioned above, the success of the procedure largely depends on the client's commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene, compliance with regular follow-up appointments, and most importantly, the dentist's in-depth diagnostic capabilities and treatment level as we have emphasized above.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sakura Dental Clinic to discuss and advise you to understand all aspects of this advanced procedure before considering making the right decision.

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Managed by Doctor TRAN NGOC TU, Ph.D. in Dentistry, Tokyo University, Japan

Monday – Saturday:

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8am - 12pm

  • Business registration certificate number: 0309935880, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022.
  • Medical examination and treatment practice certificate number: 001272/HCM-CCHN, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on July 20, 2012.
  • Medical examination and treatment operation license number: 01839/SYT-GPHD, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on March 18, 2014.


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