Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) was invented in 1960. Up to now, after more than 50 years of development, lasers have been widely applied in many scientific fields. studies, technology and life. In the medical industry in general and dentistry in particular, although the application has only been developed recently, the great influence of laser is a revolution in diagnosis and treatment thanks to its superior features. One of the new trends in dentistry is the application of Lasers in dental treatment. Using lasers in dental treatment supports dentists, reduces stress and pain for patients; In addition, it also supports dentists in performing minimally invasive dental interventions, especially for children in hard and soft tissue surgery with less discomfort, no pain during and after treatment, no infection and less. or no bleeding.

Picasso laser machine

Laser applications at Sakura dental clinic:

Application of laser in soft tissue treatment

Tongue adhesion, low lip adhesion, tooth exposure for orthodontic treatment; Surgical contouring of the gums and removal of damaged gums for orthodontic patients, lengthening of tooth crowns in the treatment of cavities; biopsy; Treatment of complications due to erectile dysfunction; Treatment of Aphtes and Herpes lesions.

  • Applications of lasers in root canal treatment: For living teeth, the laser is set at 20-30hz to clean the pulp cavity in 10-20 seconds.
  • Application in teeth whitening: Low-intensity soft tissue lasers can be used to speed up the teeth whitening process.
  • Used in cutting benign tumors


Root canal obturation is one of the critical success factors of endodontic (root canal) treatment. 

EQ-V is a wireless thermal root canal sealer that applies continuous wavelength (CW) heat transfer technology and is stable to avoid sudden temperature changes.

With its new technology pump, this device helps deliver the root canal obturation material (Gutta Percha) to most accessory canals and canal extensions and also makes the apical 1/3 obturation possible. It is guaranteed and accurate.  

This device uses the method of vertical compaction, which is capable of filling in all three dimensions of the canal, which is a condition that helps achieve long-term root canal results. 



Sakura Dental uses the Gentle Pulp Tester to help diagnose the problem by applying a stimulus in the form of an electrical pulse to the tooth to be tested to assess the responsiveness of the sensory nerves inside the canal. In this way, it is possible to determine whether the tooth pulp is alive. 

This test is critical in the diagnosis, helping to determine the exact degree of inflammation and the partial or complete death of the pulp, avoiding root canal treatment if unnecessary. 



Sakura Dental Clinic applies for outstanding advances thanks to the support of science and technology, using modern machines in diagnosis and treatment, including CT Scan machines. Currently, cone beam CT produces 3-D images of tooth structures, soft tissues, nerves, and bones in the maxillofacial region, allowing for more accurate treatment planning. Compared with traditional dental X-rays, the cone-beam CT X-ray method offers many outstanding advantages, such as:

  • X-rays are more focused, giving better-quality 3D images than traditional dental X-ray methods.
  • Get multiple perspectives with just one scan.
  • This method is painless, non-invasive and gives absolutely accurate results.


TomTom GO 3D CT application at Sakura Dental Clinic: 

  • Detecting pathologies in the jawbone: CBCT helps doctors detect, diagnose, and evaluate the spread of invasive jawbone diseases such as enamel fibroblastoma, keratosis pilaris, jawbone cancer, etc., thereby enabling them to monitor and advise customers promptly. 
  • Detection of fractures and tooth fractures due to trauma: tooth trauma is a common type of injury in accidents involving the head and face, where 2D films may not clearly show the fracture line and direction. Like fractures, CBCT films will best show the fracture lines and broken bone fragments so that the doctor can plan the most appropriate and aesthetic treatment.
  • Application in orthodontics: With CBCT film, orthodontists can consider the status of underground teeth, growth direction of teeth, correlation, and growth of jaw bone, bone position to place minivans, analyze information from an orthodontic number on facial aesthetics, and evaluate results before and after orthodontic treatment of patients.
  • CBCT in implant treatment planning uses 3D images and multi-layer cutting to accurately determine the height, width, and anatomy of the jaw and alveolar bone and the relationship between the missing tooth and the tooth structure—adjacent anatomical structures such as the mandibular neural tube.
    Implant placement with surgical guides can be performed with CBCT data. 
    With CBCT’s 3-D capability, clinicians can decide whether bone grafting or sinus lift is needed before implant placement, like choosing the most suitable implant size for each bone area.
  • CBCT in diagnosing impacted/misaligned wisdom teeth: Thanks to CBCT, Dr. Sakura can predict the relationship of the nerve to the wisdom tooth root as well as decide whether to perform the wisdom tooth extraction technique in one go or just cut the wisdom tooth body and wait for the tooth root to emerge.
  • CBCT in endodontic treatment: In root canal therapy or endodontic treatment, complex anatomical canal structures such as deeply divided canals, branched canals, accessory canals, C-shaped canals, and conditions Pulp pathologies such as calculi and calcification of the channel are very difficult to treat and cannot be seen on conventional 2D radiographs.
    CBCT scans will provide maximum support for doctors in evaluating root canal anatomy in 3 spatial dimensions as well as analyzing canal obstructions and pathologies, thereby supporting effective treatment. effective and safe.
  • CBCT in diagnosing temporomandibular joint disease: A visual CBCT film with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on each side can be used to assess for changes in the bone in this region to the mandibular condyle and bone. Temporomandibular as well as the glomerular relationship in the joint cavity. These bone changes may result from trauma, fracture, dysplasia, hyperplasia, or bone disease.



Itero is a dental impression scanning device that integrates AI (artificial intelligence) technology to provide doctors with the most detailed and realistic images of teeth and gums, even in deep, hard-to-see positions. This technology is considered top-notch because it completely overcomes the disadvantages of the classical impression technique.

The ITERO laser jaw scanner produces multidimensional images of teeth, oral tissue, jaw structure, and bite. Thanks to that, doctors know exactly the patient's oral health condition and make decisions and treatment plans.

In addition, the parameters of the iTero 5D dental impression machine, after scanning and being stored in the machine, can be transferred to the computer to design orthodontic devices and accurate restorations. The data is also transmitted to the ClinCheck software to simulate the treatment process and future dental results.


5.1. Infrared Niri technology

Niri is a modern technology that is superior to old technologies. Niri allows us to see pictures inside teeth.

  • See images inside the teeth.
  • Visualize the internal structure of the tooth in the most intuitive way possible.
  • The doctor can quickly diagnose the patient’s condition.
  • Help doctors plan treatment quickly and accurately
  • It is possible to detect oral diseases early before they can be seen on radiographs.

5.2. Evaluation of orthodontic progress through iTero Element 5D

Not only by taking on the function of scanning teeth, but iTero 5D is also superior by allowing doctors to assess the patient’s progress. This feature is exciting: accurately comparing the Invisalign treatment stage with the previous simulation in the ClinCheck software. This is helpful for the physician to continue to make adjustments to the treatment chart if necessary.

5.3. Invisalign Outcome Simulator Description

The iTero Element 5D Outcome Simulator is a feature that uses scans so the patient can see the movement of teeth while wearing Invisalign aligners and the final result after straightening. Thus, customers are entirely assured when they can monitor the process of moving little by little of their teeth from the first tray to the end.

5.4. Time-lapse feature to help predict problems

When learning about iTero 5D, we will know that the TimeLapse feature of the iTero Element 5D dental impression scanner, based on the results of each scan, can predict the problem. This feature helps:

  • See and better understand how soft tissue is receding.
  • Movement or any wear and tear of teeth.
  • Can see even the slightest change after each treatment.


It’s time for Atraumatic Implant Surgery. 50% of all implants placed require bone grafting. Perform implant surgery at the same speed as rotary instruments with more safety & less trauma.


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Managed by Doctor TRAN NGOC TU, Ph.D. in Dentistry, Tokyo University, Japan

Monday – Saturday:

8am - 12pm; 2pm – 8pm
8am - 12pm

  • Business registration certificate number: 0309935880, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022.
  • Medical examination and treatment practice certificate number: 001272/HCM-CCHN, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on July 20, 2012.
  • Medical examination and treatment operation license number: 01839/SYT-GPHD, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on March 18, 2014.


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