Monday - Saturday: 8h - 12h ; 14h - 20h
Sunday: 8h - 12h

69 Le Van Thiem, Phu My Hung, District 7, HCMC, Vietnam
Phone: 0917.483.796 - 0979.110.971




Partial dentures offer a convenient and cost-effective solution to replace missing teeth, restoring function and aesthetics.

1. What are partial dentures?

Partial dentures are a popular solution for individuals who have lost some natural teeth but still have healthy teeth. Removable dental appliances are designed to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, restoring the mouth’s function and appearance.

Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic base. This base is usually made from acrylic resin, which is lightweight and durable. Metal clasps or precision attachments hold the denture in place by attaching it to the remaining natural teeth.

There are two main types of partial dentures: transitional and removable. Transitional full arch dentures are used temporarily while the mouth heals after tooth extraction or dental implant placement. They support the remaining teeth and help the patient adjust to the changes in their mouth.

Removable partial dentures, however, are designed for long-term use. They are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth and are easily removable for cleaning and maintenance. Removable partial dentures can have a metal framework, which provides stability and strength, or a flexible base made from a thermoplastic material.

partial dentures

2. What are the benefits of partial dentures?

2.1. Improved aesthetics

One of the primary benefits of partial dentures is that they restore your smile and improve your facial appearance. Missing teeth can lead to a sunken or aged appearance, and partial dentures help fill those gaps, giving you a natural and youthful smile. With modern advancements in dentistry, partial dentures are now more natural-looking and can be customized to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth.

2.2. Enhanced chewing ability

Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew food correctly, leading to digestive issues and poor nutrition. Partial dentures help to restore your ability to chew and eat a wide variety of foods. By replacing missing teeth, partial dentures ensure that you can enjoy your favorite foods without discomfort or difficulty.

2.3. Improved speech

Missing teeth can affect your speech, causing a lisp or slurred speech. Partial dentures support your tongue and help improve your speech clarity. With partial dentures, you can regain the confidence to speak and communicate effectively without any hindrance.

2.4. Prevents teeth shifting

When you lose a tooth, the adjacent teeth shift towards the gap, leading to misalignment and bite problems. Partial dentures fill the empty spaces and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting. By maintaining the alignment of your teeth, partial dentures also help to prevent other oral health issues such as gum disease and tooth decay.

2.5. Easy to maintain

Partial dentures are removable, making them easy to clean and maintain. You can remove them for cleaning, allowing you to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent plaque buildup. Regular cleaning and proper care of your partial dentures can ensure their longevity and keep your oral health in check.

2.6. Cost-effective solution

Partial dentures are more cost-effective than tooth replacement options, such as dental implants. They are generally more affordable and offer a viable option for individuals who may not be able to afford more expensive treatments.

partial denture Metal based

3. How are partial dentures made?

We will walk you through the detailed process of creating partial dentures.

3.1. Initial Assessment

The first step in making partial dentures is to conduct a comprehensive oral examination. This involves assessing the condition of the remaining teeth, gums, and jawbone. Our dental prosthetics will also take impressions of the teeth and gums to create an accurate mouth model.

3.2. Treatment Plan

Our dentist will develop a treatment plan customized to the patient’s needs based on the initial assessment. This plan will outline the number of teeth to be replaced, the type of denture to be used, and any necessary preparations, such as extractions or gum treatments.

3.3. Creating the Framework

Once the treatment plan is established, the next step is to create the framework for the partial denture. This framework is a foundation for the replacement teeth and is typically made of metal or acrylic materials. It is carefully designed to fit the patient’s mouth and provide support and stability for the denture.

3.4. Taking Impressions

After creating the framework, the dentist will take another set of impressions of the patient’s mouth. These more detailed impressions capture the exact shape and position of the remaining teeth and gums. This ensures that the partial denture will fit securely and comfortably in the mouth.

3.5. Wax Try-In

Using the impressions, a wax model of the partial denture is created. This allows the patient to try on the denture and ensure it fits properly and looks natural. The dentist will make any necessary adjustments to the wax model to achieve the desired fit and appearance.

3.6. Finalizing the Denture

The final partial denture is fabricated once the patient is satisfied with the wax try-in. The replacement teeth are made from a durable and natural-looking material like porcelain or acrylic. The teeth are securely attached to the framework, and any necessary adjustments are made to ensure a precise fit.

3.7. Fitting and Final Adjustments

The patient will return to the dentist for a fitting when the partial denture is complete. The dentist will carefully place the denture in the patient’s mouth and make any final adjustments to ensure optimal comfort and functionality. This may involve adjusting the shape or size of the denture or making minor alterations to the surrounding teeth.

3.8. Follow-Up Care

Once the partial denture is fitted, the dentist will provide instructions on caring for and maintaining it. This includes proper cleaning techniques, regular check-ups, and any necessary repairs or adjustments that may be required over time.

partial denture

4. How long do partial dentures last?

The lifespan of partial dentures can vary depending on several factors, such as the materials used, the wearer’s oral hygiene habits, and the overall condition of the remaining teeth and gums. On average, partial dentures can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years. However, with proper care and maintenance, they can even last longer.

One of the most critical factors contributing to partial dentures’ longevity is the quality of the materials used in their construction. High-quality dentures from durable materials such as metal frameworks and acrylic resins tend to last longer than those made from cheaper, less durable materials. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified dentist or prosthodontist who can guide you in selecting the best materials for your specific needs.

The wearer’s oral hygiene routine is another crucial aspect affecting partial dentures’ lifespan. Just like natural teeth, dentures require regular cleaning and maintenance. It is essential to brush the dentures daily with a soft-bristled brush and a mild denture cleaner to remove any food particles, plaque, or stains. Additionally, dentures should be soaked in a denture cleaner or water overnight to keep them moist and prevent them from drying out. Proper oral hygiene helps extend the lifespan of partial dentures and promotes overall oral health.

Furthermore, the condition of the remaining teeth and gums also plays a significant role in the longevity of partial dentures. If the remaining teeth are in good health and adequately cared for, they can support and stabilize the dentures, making them last longer. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to identify any issues with the remaining teeth and gums and address them promptly.

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Managed by Doctor TRAN NGOC TU, Ph.D. in Dentistry, Tokyo University, Japan

Monday – Saturday:

8h – 12h; 14h – 20h
8h – 12h

  • Business registration certificate number: 0309935880, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022.

  • Medical examination and treatment practice certificate number: 001272/HCM-CCHN, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on July 20, 2012.

  • Medical examination and treatment operation license number: 01839/SYT-GPHD, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on March 18, 2014.


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