Table of contents
1. What is cosmetic dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of the smile and teeth. The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to create harmony between the teeth, gums, and face, while maintaining oral health and function. Cosmetic dentistry not only improves the appearance but also contributes to improving the confidence and quality of life of the patient.
2. The most popular cosmetic dentistry methods today
2.1 Porcelain Veneer
Porcelain Veneers is a thin layer of porcelain that is bonded to the surface of the tooth to improve the color, shape, and size of the tooth. This method is often used to correct problems such as teeth that are stained, chipped, slightly broken, or have small gaps between teeth.
2.2 Teeth whitening methods
Teeth whitening There are two main methods: in-office bleaching and at-home bleaching under the guidance of a dentist.
2.3 Treatment of gummy smile
Gummy smile is a condition where too much gum is exposed when smiling, causing loss of aesthetics and making many people feel self-conscious. This condition can be caused by many different factors such as overdeveloped gums, short teeth, overdeveloped upper jaw or overactive lip muscles.
Here are some common treatments for gummy smiles:
2.3.1. Gingival orthopedic surgery
Gum contouring surgery, also known as gingivectomy, is the most common treatment for a gummy smile. The procedure involves removing excess gum tissue to expose more of the teeth, helping to improve the tooth-gum ratio. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and may be combined with jaw reshaping if necessary.
Gingival orthopedic surgery procedure:
- Step 1: Visit and consult with a dentist to assess the condition of your gums and teeth.
- Step 2: Use local anesthesia to reduce pain during surgery.
- Step 3: Remove excess gum and reshape the gums with a surgical knife or laser.
- Step 4: Place sutures (if necessary) and provide post-operative care instructions.
2.3.2. Botox injection
Botox is a non-surgical method of reducing gummy smiles by weakening the upper lip muscles, thereby reducing the lip lift when smiling. This method is usually used for mild cases and has temporary effects, lasting from 3-6 months.
Botox injection process:
- Step 1: Visit and consult with your doctor to determine the injection site.
- Step 2: Use local anesthesia (if needed) to reduce pain.
- Step 3: Inject botox into the upper lip muscles.
- Step 4: Instructions for post-injection care and monitoring of results.
2.3.3. Orthognathic surgery
Orthognathic surgery is a treatment for severe cases of gummy smile caused by overgrowth of the upper jaw. The procedure involves cutting and adjusting the jawbone to achieve a harmonious ratio between the teeth, gums and face.
Jaw surgery procedure:
- Step 1: Examination and X-ray to assess jaw bone condition.
- Step 2: Plan the surgery in detail with a maxillofacial surgeon.
- Step 3: Perform surgery under general anesthesia.
- Step 4: Post-operative monitoring and care, including the use of pain medications and antibiotics.
2.3.4. Other methods
In addition to the above methods, there are some other methods such as:
- Braces: Adjust the position of teeth to reduce gummy smile.
- Laser: Uses a laser to cut and shape gums precisely (and with less pain).
- Lip contouring: Surgery to reshape the lips to cover the gums when smiling.
In summary, gummy smile can be treated with many different methods, from surgical to non-surgical. Choosing the appropriate method should be based on the doctor's specific assessment and the customer's wishes. It is important to have a thorough examination and consultation to achieve the best and safest results.
2.4 Orthodontic methods
Orthodontic is the process of adjusting the position of the teeth and jaws to improve facial balance and bite function. According to a study at Hanoi Medical University, about 37% students need orthodontic treatment.
2.5 Jaw surgery
Jaw surgery is performed to correct jaw abnormalities, improve facial balance and bite function. This procedure is often used in cases of severe jaw misalignment or temporomandibular joint problems.
2.6 Porcelain crowns
Porcelain crowns are a comprehensive restoration method for severely damaged teeth or teeth with undesirable color or shape. This technique involves grinding down a layer of enamel and replacing it with a porcelain crown that has a natural shape and color.
In summary, cosmetic dentistry offers many solutions to improve the smile and increase the confidence of customers. However, choosing the right method should be based on the specific assessment of the dentist and the wishes of the customer.