Tooth extraction at Sakura: Safe, painless

Tooth extraction at Sakura: Safe, painless

Tooth extraction at Sakura: Safe, painless

Tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. It is usually performed when a tooth is damaged beyond repair or is causing complications to the surrounding teeth and gums. Tooth extraction may also be necessary for orthodontic treatment or to prevent the spread of infection. We will look at the different aspects of tooth extraction.

1. How are teeth attached to the jawbone?

Teeth are not actually attached directly to the jaw bone. There is a very small gap between the tooth and the alveolar bone. This gap is connected by ligaments, also known as Sharpey's fibers, which connect the tooth to the alveolar bone.

Why are incisors easier to extract? Incisors have only one root. They are not as firmly anchored to the jawbone as molars (and have two or three roots). Therefore, molars are often more difficult to extract than incisors.

2. Reasons for tooth extraction

A tooth must be extracted if it cannot be treated, restored or is of no value for conservation. There will be cases where there are clear reasons for extraction (absolute indications) and reasons where extraction is recommended but not necessarily necessary (relative indications).

For example: Severe tooth mobility, bone and gum defects (absolute indications); insufficient space for orthodontic treatment (relative indications).

After a detailed examination and X-rays, the dentist can assess which teeth need to be extracted.

tooth extraction

3. Risks and complications of tooth extraction

Before having a tooth extracted, you, as a customer, should know the complications and risks. Your dentist at Sakura will explain this to you in more detail.

3.1. Specific and special risks and complications associated with tooth extraction

3.1.1. General risks:

  • Painful
  • congestion
  • Vascular damage, bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation

3.1.2. Special risks:

  • Maxillary sinus
  • Mandibular nerve injury
  • Damage to adjacent teeth

3.2. Other complications of tooth extraction

Like any surgical procedure, tooth extraction can lead to complications, such as a broken root. If the root is broken, your dentist may have to expose the root a little bit to remove the tooth.

3.2.1. Bone-bonded teeth

In this case, the ligament surrounding the tooth is destroyed, often found in teeth that have had root canal treatment for a long time, so tooth extraction will be more difficult.

3.2.2. Abnormal tooth root formation

Abnormally formed roots make extraction difficult, especially molars which sometimes have very crooked roots. The dentist must separate the molar root to treat it separately from the tooth to be extracted.

3.2.3. Dislocation

If tooth extraction takes longer, temporomandibular joint dislocation may occur.

See also: Questions about permanent tooth extraction

4. What is the tooth extraction procedure like?

Step 1: Anesthesia. Tooth extractions are usually performed using anesthesia. This can be done using local anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or intraligamentary anesthesia (numbing the periodontal ligament portion of the tooth to be extracted). Sometimes these methods are used in combination.

Step 2: Loosening the tooth. After anesthesia is given, the tissue around the tooth to be extracted will be numb, so you will not feel any pain. The gums will be separated from the tooth. The dentist will then use a lever to loosen the tooth. Once the tooth is slightly loose, it will be gradually pulled out with dental forceps until it is loose enough to be easily removed from the mouth. The tooth will be checked for integrity immediately after extraction.

Step 3: Clean the wound. Now all that’s left is to clean the wound. Your dentist will examine the socket and remove any infected tissue. You’ll be given some gauze to bite on and sent home with instructions.


tooth extraction

5. What should be followed after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, you need to follow some rules to help the wound heal quickly:

  • No smoking
  • Do not drink coffee, tea, alcohol
  • Do not touch the wound with your fingers
  • Do not wash
  • No sports
  • Eat and drink carefully, rinse your mouth after eating to ensure no food remains in the socket where the tooth was just extracted.

6. Measures to handle complications

Complications such as swelling and pain may occur after tooth extraction. These are usually harmless complications. If you cannot relieve the pain with prescribed pain medication, you should see your dentist for a check-up. Pain and swelling can also be reduced by cooling.

See also: Things to know about baby teeth extraction

7. How long does it take for a tooth extraction to heal?

The duration of pain depends on the size of the wound, the individual's sensitivity to pain, and the healing process. Generally, the pain usually subsides after 2 to 3 days. In cases where the wound is difficult to heal or the wound surface is large, the pain may last more than a week.

In the case of a minor wound, the gums can heal in about a week. Larger wounds may take 2 to 3 weeks. The bone under the gums may take 3 to 4 months to heal.

8. Nha khoa Sakura thực hiện nhổ răng như thế nào để an toàn, dễ dàng (và không gây đau đớn) cho bạn?

Nhiều khách hàng e ngại nhổ răng vì sợ sẽ đau đớn và khó chịu. Tuy nhiên, tại Sakura, chúng tôi đã phát triển một quy trình giúp cho việc nhổ răng trở nên an toàn, dễ dàng và không đau.

Below is the tooth extraction process at Sakura to ensure safety, comfort and ease for you:

8.1. Preliminary assessment

Before performing a tooth extraction, our dentist will conduct a preliminary assessment of the patient's medical history and oral pathology, and X-rays will also be taken (panoramic or 3D if necessary). This will help us determine potential risks or complications, and the direction of the extraction during the procedure. We will also thoroughly examine the affected tooth to determine the extent of damage or decay.

8.2. Local anesthesia

Our dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth to ensure that you do not feel any pain during the procedure. This will help prevent any discomfort or pain during the extraction.

8.3. Tooth extraction

Sau khi khách hàng được gây tê, nha sĩ sẽ tiến hành nhổ răng. Chúng tôi sử dụng các dụng cụ và kỹ thuật chuyên dụng để nhổ răng một cách nhẹ nhàng và hiệu quả. Nha sĩ của chúng tôi cũng sẽ giảm thiểu mọi chấn thương hoặc tổn thương cho các mô xung quanh bằng cách chia nhỏ răng thay vì khoan mở rộng xương. Máy Piezotome nhổ răng không sang chấn cũng được trang bị để giúp khách hàng có những trải nghiệm tốt.

8.4. Post-tooth extraction care

After a tooth extraction, your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for the area where the tooth was extracted. This includes advice on how to control pain or discomfort, prevent infection, and promote healing.

8.5. Re-examination

Sakura Dental will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor the customer's recovery process and ensure there are no complications. The 24/7 hotline always helps customers answer any questions related to post-tooth extraction issues.

See also: How is wisdom tooth extraction done?

Tóm lại, nhổ răng có thể là một trải nghiệm không dễ dàng với nhiều khách hàng, nhưng Sakura đã làm cho quá trình này trở nên an toàn và dễ dàng. Chúng tôi sử dụng các kỹ thuật và công cụ tiên tiến để giảm thiểu đau đớn hoặc khó chịu trong quá trình thực hiện. Hãy liên hệ với nha khoa Sakura nếu bạn có nhu cầu nhổ răng, chúng tôi sẽ mang đến cho bạn sự chăm sóc tốt.

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Managed by Doctor TRAN NGOC TU, Ph.D. in Dentistry, Tokyo University, Japan

Monday – Saturday:

8am - 12pm; 2pm – 8pm
8am - 12pm

  • Business registration certificate number: 0309935880, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022.
  • Medical examination and treatment practice certificate number: 001272/HCM-CCHN, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on July 20, 2012.
  • Medical examination and treatment operation license number: 01839/SYT-GPHD, issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City on March 18, 2014.


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2. Phiên bản tiếng Việt là phiên bản chính, có giá trị tham khảo. Chúng tôi đã nỗ lực để làm cho các phiên bản khác (tiếng Anh, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Hàn) tốt có thể. Mặc dù vậy, vẫn còn những sai sót, đặc biệt là về ngoại ngữ. Chúng tôi mong được quý bạn đọc thông báo cho chúng tôi những sai lỗi ấy qua form liên hệ hoặc tại [email protected]. Chúng tôi cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ quý giá của các bạn.